Friday 10 August 2007

The legal alternative?!?

Caffeine Drink Cocaine is Banned From 7-Eleven ( a convenience shop in America) Is all going as planned?
You want to sell a new high-caffeine drink to teenagers and young adults? Give it an edgy name... Cocaine. For good measure, add a controversial tag line...The legal alternative. Cocaine is indeed a real product. And now it is in real trouble. Or is it?

A spokesperson for the new drink said, ''Children understand the difference between a controlled substance and an energy drink."

If the name Cocaine elicits sales from teens because of its controversial name, imagine how much more attractive Cocaine will be now that parents and other authority figures have condemned it.

Since the beginning of May Cocaine has been pulled from all U.S. shops due to a warning letter the energy drink's manufacturer received from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA said that Cocaine was being illegally marketed as "a street drug alternative and a dietary supplement." It seems to me, that edgy branding worked a little too well.

'Cocaine' had now changed its brand name to 'Censored'. I don't hate the new brand name, but I do think the brand will be short-lived. Branding seems to be all this product has going for it and that's not enough to sustain a business.

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