Wednesday 30 May 2007

Do schools today kill creativity?

This is a movie clip from a Design conference, a yearly meeting where influential people are invited to think and talk big thoughts. Sir Ken Robinson speaks about the need to rework our education system to preserve the creative spirit in people. He says that children are boundlessly creative because “they’re not frightened of being wrong,” and goes on to say that we learn to be frightened as we grow older and that most people are terrified of being wrong by the time they start working at companies, with their creative spirit dissipated. He blames our school systems for not nurturing creativity, stating that,

'We are educating people out of their creative capacities…we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it, or rather, we get educated out of it.'

I found this lecture very interesting as I think it implies to all of us. The fact that art and design is not seen as highly as more academic subjects such as humanities and languages. Design should really be given a higher status considering the amount of work we do and the ideas that are developed, producing excellent outcomes.

1 comment:

Francesca Bennett said...

This was really intresting, mainly because the guy was such a great public speaker...Although its funny how much I was able to identify with what he was saying. I also found his idea of academic inflation really intresting and is something I have been saying for quie a while now...what is a degree worth if everyone has one?