Monday 8 October 2007

Sony Bravia....Spoof

In response to Calebs's post with the new Sony bravia adverts, I found this spoof advert for the paint firework display ....Although a joke, it still makes people stop and watch therefore more advertising for the Sony brand even thought they are mocking the advert.

Saturday 6 October 2007

The Shining

Possibly the scariest film I have ever seen. Most trailers nowadays tell you about the film in the short 30 second this case , The shining's trailer is brilliant...the genre of the film is being announced but the actual storyline is not to be seen... It keeps the viewer in suspense and is wanting you to continue watching, therefore make you see the fim. The simple straight on camera angle makes the set more powerful and you cannot see anything else, leaves the viewer wandering what is next, what is behind. It is a very different trailer for a scary film compared to todays films.